Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ok everyone... I seemed to have fallen in a hole!

Yay for December, BOO for the freaking cold I have. I have has this cold for now 3 days and... it is just awful!

Small updates for all... Gabby went yesterday for an Asparger's assessment. She said the doctor gave her a bunch of tests. He asked what seemed to be 5 million questions to Lee and myself.  I have no idea how this will turn out, I should be getting the final report by the beginning of the year.

On to better things... I can't wait for Christmas!! Snow (mucho grande snow) has arrived. This morning, it is 7 degrees... COLD! The tree is up, gift are under the tree. Lee and I sat and thought about how much better we are than a year ago.  We all have little blessings every day. Even when the days seem really crappy, blessings come is small and odd packages. We just need to look for them.

I will start putting recipes daily... I am going to start with the recipes I will be making for our families Christmas party. All are lovely desserts.

Be good to each other!
~Jenn... who is headed to the couch with a box of tissues and a blanket!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better soon Jenn!! Keep us posted on Gabby.

    Can't wait for the recipes!
